Untitled Document
   Bernard Garo
Artist with multiple skills, Bernard Garo is famous all over Europe. He is an outstanding painter, a talented photographer, develops a textile art, creates installations in situ and presents also performances. Innovator, he is using sometimes high technologies, namely in connection with the realization of the Anneau M2O for the new metro in Lausanne. The project executed in cooperation with Pierre-André Gétaz won the first price of a contest in 2007.

In his diverse expressions, Bernard Garo invests the totality of his being, in a passionate research and a reflexion he wants universal and sensitive to the challenges of our world. In connection with painting, Bernard Garo started in 2004 an exploration of the cardinal points of Europe. A compass, pointed on Nyon, stopped in capitals with fascinating civilisations of the past like Alexandria, Istanbul, Lisbon. So far, the two first steps of this program, entitled ARIL, have been accomplished and the works exhibited originate in the far northern point of the adventure, Reykjavik and Iceland.

Nature in the rough, in perpetual move on the ground as well as in the air, world of fire and water, no other place than Iceland would have more challenged the artist, a total observator. The bowels of the earth ejecting at their rhythm powerful streams of steam and water in noisy howling, pots piercing the ground, boiling with a black thick water. But also an abundance of colours of breathtaking contrasts, with touches of lemon yellow of sulphur, turquoise blue stretches of warm lagoons, vivid pink of some rare tufts of saxifrage in the heart of jolted fields of lava, the crude green of a small valley or the ochre and the red of the inclined slopes of the mountains, added to the deep ocean blue. Also the black of the pearl pebbles of the beaches fringed with white and refreshing foam of the ocean. To these marvels should be added the sonorities, the thunder of the furious waters running down, the fury of the volcanoes, the clinking of the icebergs moving slowly and disintegrating, the twinkling glaciers, covering the volcanoes.

It is all this, the powerful works of Bernard Garo, sometimes beyond measure. Real lava fields, smoking, thundering, where the material in fusion, in a geologic chaos, explodes in myriad of particles settling little by little on the canvas, in more and more thick coats. They retain the sand of the volcanoes, the rock of the lava, various pigments and other ingredients, inherent to the original and fascinating know how of the artist.
The words however are not strong enough to illustrate to the real power and energy of the works of Bernard Garo. So do not fail the extraordinary experience to visit the artist’s studio, in complement to the exhibition !

Bernard Garo lives and works in Nyon and Paris. Prizewinner of many contests, namely the Artistic price of the city of Nyon (1994). Realized over one hundtred exhibitions though Europe and Switzerland since 1989. Performances with the group the Collectif de la Dernière Tangente since 10 years.

Title of the work : Geyser ou la modélisation formelle d’une manifestation volcanique, 2007, 196 x 196 cm

Dr.Danielle Junod-Sugnaux

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  Bernard Garo